

Christian, Agnostic, Hindu, Buddhist Let us return to the God who created the universe and its contents do not Become residents of Hell siksanya how incredibly poignant as his word in the Qur'an: (An-Nisa: 56) Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.

Say :

1. Asyhadu An-Laa Ilâha Illallâh,
2. wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullâh

Be ISLAM Al-Quran and As-Sunnah ( Sunni )
﴾ Ali Imran:85 ﴿
And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. Read More


Tuesday 10 September 2013

Conditions of La ilaha illallaah

 Know the real requirement is something that must be from the lack thereof is not the law , but not necessarily the legal existence of its existence . If a condition of the terms of ( La ilaha illallaah ) is not there, then people do not realize La ilaha illallaah , so when it does not bermanfaatlah pronunciation of this sentence .
Ibn Wahb Munabbih asked :أليس " لا إله إلا الله " مفتاح الجنة ? قال بلى ولكن ما من مفتاح إلا وله أسنان فإن جئت بمفتاح له أسنان فتح لك و إلا لم يفتح لك( Is not " La ilaha illallaah " The key to paradise ? She said : Yes , but not any of the key - but she was having serrations , if you come with the key that has serrations it ( the door ) opened to you , and if not ( no geriginya ) then opened to you ) [ Ditururkan by Al- Bukhari in Al Janaiz ta'liq in the Book : Chapter whoever final words " La ilaha illallaah " 3/109 ]
A. First requirement :
Al Sciences ( knowing ) the intended meaning of it in the form of negation ( negation ) and determination : the ignorance to deny it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Let it be known , that there is no Ilah ( entitled diibadati ) but Allah .. " ( Muhammad : 19 ) .
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" ... But ( people who can give syafa'at are ) people who testified against ( tawhid ) is they know ( him ) . " ( Az Zukhruf : 86 ) , which testify to La ilaha illallaah while they know with their hearts what they say with their tongues .
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" Allah bears witness that there is no God ( worthy of worship ) but Him , who uphold justice . The Angels and the people of knowledge ( also bear witness to it ) . There is no God ( worthy of worship ) but He , the Mighty, the Wise . " ( Ali Imran : 18 )
" From Uthman radliyallahu ' anhu said: The Messenger sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " Whoever dies while he knows that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) thanGod , then he would go to heaven . " [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 26 ]
B. Second Term :
Yaqin who deny the doubts : And it means that the people who say this sentence is what some have believed this sentence with a definite belief , because faith is not actually useful unless the ilmul yaqin not adh dhann science ( science estimates ) . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Those who believe that only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger , then they did not hesitate and they fight ( jihad ) with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way . They are the people who are honest . " ( Al -Hujurat : 15 )
From Abu Hurairah radliyallahu ' anhu said: The Messenger sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " I bear witness that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah , not a servant of God was met by bringing both while he did not hesitate , then he was hindered from heaven . " [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 27 . ]
From Abu Hurairah radliyallahu ' anhu in a long hadith : ( .... Who are the men you meet in the back garden being he testified that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) besides Allah as he believes himself to him , then give him the good news to heaven ) . [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 31 ]
C. Third Term :
Qabul ( acceptance ) to what is required by this phrase with his heart and his tongue . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has mengkisahkan to us from a former community newspaper rescue those who accept this sentence and his pengadzaban against those who reject it and are reluctant to accept it , as his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" And so , we did not send before you a warner peringatanpun in a country , but the people who live in luxury in the country said : " Verily we found our fathers indeed a religion and we are followers of their footsteps " . ( The Apostle ) said : " Do ( you're going to follow it too ) even if I bring to you ( religion ) more ( real ) gives instructions than what you dapati your fathers have embraced it ? " They replied : " We deny your religion was sent to deliver it . " Then We destroyed them then look at how the end of those who denied it . " ( Az Zukhruf : 23-25 ​​)
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" Surely they used when it is said unto them : " La ilaha illa Allah " ( There is no god worthy of worship but Allah ) they boast, " ( Ash Shaffat : 35 )
D. Terms Fourth :
Inqiyad ( subject ) against what ditunjukannya , who deny leave it attitude . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" And who is better in religion than one who willingly submit himself to God , he too 're doing good , and he followed the religion of Ibrahim is straight ? and Allah took Ibrahim to be his favorite . " ( An Nisa : 125 )
And His words also :" And those who submit themselves to Allah , is he who do good , then indeed he has adhered to a solid rope knots . and unto God is the consummation of all affairs . " ( Luqman : 22 ) is to hold on to La ilaha illallaah .
While there is no way to realize inqiyad and up to the goal except by following the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam and menyelisihi lust and all that hinders it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" But no, by your Lord , they are ( in fact ) do not believe until they make you judge in that case they can not agree , then they do not feel it in their hearts something challenge to a decision that you gave , and they were received with the utmost . " ( An Nisa : 65 )
Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said in his commentary on this verse :( Allah ta'ala swears by Himself He be Exalted The Scriptures that someone will not believe until he makes the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam as a judge ( breaker ) in all affairs , so that what it decides is a truth that must be subject to him both spiritual and birth , therefore Allah says :" Then they do not feel it in their hearts something challenge to a decision that you gave , and they were received with the utmost " is when they make you a judge then they obey you in their inner as well , so they do not feel in their hearts is something you object to a decision provide, and they are subject to him in the inner dhahir and so they accept it wholeheartedly without rejection and opposition , as in the hadith :" By the One That my soul is in His Hand , not one of you believes until his desires to follow what I got . " [ Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2/306 , and this hadith dihasankan by didlaifkan by An Nawawi and Ibn Rajab and others , but there is no doubt about the meaning keshahihan ]
E. Terms Fifth :
Ash Shidqu ( honesty ) that deny the lie : That he says it with honesty from the heart , his heart is in tune with his tongue , because real people would pronounce it munafiqin but not with honesty , in which Allaah says about them :" And of mankind there is a saying : " We believe in Allah and the Last Day , " in case they were in fact not the people who believe . " ( Al -Baqarah : 8 )
Of Mu'adh Ibn Jabal from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " No one testified that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger of Allah be honest from the heart but God forbid hell against him . " [ Al- Bukhari in Kitab ul Ilmi 128 ]
Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said :" Justification for La ilaha illa Allah is demanding submission and recognition to their rights , ie shariah Islamic law which is the details of this sentence , by way of justifying all of his stories , his commands to realize and avoid the prohibitions His .... People who justify the truth is the people who bring it all , while it is known that the blood and treasure waking totally not realized unless with her and fulfill their rights . And so is the safety of adzab totally not realized unless with him and with his right . " [ At Tibyan Fi Aqsamil Qur'an page 43 ]
F. Sixth Term :
Ikhlash , namely mentauhidkan God in goals ( al qashdu ) , and alignment of action with the intention of all the blemishes of shirk . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Remember , only religion Allah belongs the net ( of shirk ) . " ( Az Zumar : 3 )
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also :" Though they are not made except to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies the ( run ) straight religion , " ( Al- Bayyinah : 5 )
Al Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : "Man is most happy getting syafa'atku are people who say La ilaha illallaah while sincere ( pure ) from the heart . " [ Al- Bukhari in Kitab ul Ilmi 99 ]
G. Terms Seventh :
Mahabbah ( love ) , this phrase and what it requires and what is shown to him by it , and love adherents who practice it again with the terms commitment , as well as what you hate to cancel it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" And of mankind there are those who worship other than Allah counter - counterculture , and they love as they love Allah . As for those who believe very, very love of God . " ( Al -Baqarah : 165 )
And in the hadith of Anas Ash Shahihain of that Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " The three things that whoever is on him , then he would get the sweetness of faith ; Allah and His Messenger more than he loved from them , he loves someone while not but because God loved him , and he does not like to return to disbelief after Allah has saved him from it as he did not like the cast into hell . " [ Al- Bukhari , Al Iman 16 and Muslim , Al Iman 43 ]
Al Hakami said : )" And the sign of love for the servant to his Lord is put forward what he loved him despite his desires menyelisihi , hating what he hates his Lord despite his own desires tend to him , loyal to those who are loyal to Allah and His Messenger and hostile people hostile to Him , follow His Messenger , to emulate his footsteps and receive admonitions. " [ Ma'arijul qabul 1/383 , please refer to Al Wala Wal Bara terms of 28 to 38 and Ma'arijul qabul 1/377 to 383 ]
by : Shaykh Muhammad Salim Walad Muhammad Al Amin Al Majlisiy hafidzahullah
Interpreting : Ustadz Aman Abdurrahman Abu Sulaiman Terms hafizhahullahSyarat - La ilaha illallaah
Know the real requirement is something that must be from the lack thereof is not the law , but not necessarily the legal existence of its existence . If a condition of the terms of ( La ilaha illallaah ) is not there, then people do not realize La ilaha illallaah , so when it does not bermanfaatlah pronunciation of this sentence .
Ibn Wahb Munabbih asked :أليس " لا إله إلا الله " مفتاح الجنة ? قال بلى ولكن ما من مفتاح إلا وله أسنان فإن جئت بمفتاح له أسنان فتح لك و إلا لم يفتح لك( Is not " La ilaha illallaah " The key to paradise ? She said : Yes , but not any of the key - but she was having serrations , if you come with the key that has serrations it ( the door ) opened to you , and if not ( no geriginya ) then opened to you ) [ Ditururkan by Al- Bukhari in Al Janaiz ta'liq in the Book : Chapter whoever final words " La ilaha illallaah " 3/109 ]
A. First requirement :
Al Sciences ( knowing ) the intended meaning of it in the form of negation ( negation ) and determination : the ignorance to deny it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Let it be known , that there is no Ilah ( entitled diibadati ) but Allah .. " ( Muhammad : 19 ) .
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" ... But ( people who can give syafa'at are ) people who testified against ( tawhid ) is they know ( him ) . " ( Az Zukhruf : 86 ) , which testify to La ilaha illallaah while they know with their hearts what they say with their tongues .
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" Allah bears witness that there is no God ( worthy of worship ) but Him , who uphold justice . The Angels and the people of knowledge ( also bear witness to it ) . There is no God ( worthy of worship ) but He , the Mighty, the Wise . " ( Ali Imran : 18 )
" From Uthman radliyallahu ' anhu said: The Messenger sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " Whoever dies while he knows that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) thanGod , then he would go to heaven . " [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 26 ]
B. Second Term :
Yaqin who deny the doubts : And it means that the people who say this sentence is what some have believed this sentence with a definite belief , because faith is not actually useful unless the ilmul yaqin not adh dhann science ( science estimates ) . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Those who believe that only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger , then they did not hesitate and they fight ( jihad ) with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way . They are the people who are honest . " ( Al -Hujurat : 15 )
From Abu Hurairah radliyallahu ' anhu said: The Messenger sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " I bear witness that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah , not a servant of God was met by bringing both while he did not hesitate , then he was hindered from heaven . " [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 27 . ]
From Abu Hurairah radliyallahu ' anhu in a long hadith : ( .... Who are the men you meet in the back garden being he testified that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) besides Allah as he believes himself to him , then give him the good news to heaven ) . [ Reported by Muslim in Kitab ul Iman 31 ]
C. Third Term :
Qabul ( acceptance ) to what is required by this phrase with his heart and his tongue . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has mengkisahkan to us from a former community newspaper rescue those who accept this sentence and his pengadzaban against those who reject it and are reluctant to accept it , as his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" And so , we did not send before you a warner peringatanpun in a country , but the people who live in luxury in the country said : " Verily we found our fathers indeed a religion and we are followers of their footsteps " . ( The Apostle ) said : " Do ( you're going to follow it too ) even if I bring to you ( religion ) more ( real ) gives instructions than what you dapati your fathers have embraced it ? " They replied : " We deny your religion was sent to deliver it . " Then We destroyed them then look at how the end of those who denied it . " ( Az Zukhruf : 23-25 ​​)
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala :" Surely they used when it is said unto them : " La ilaha illa Allah " ( There is no god worthy of worship but Allah ) they boast, " ( Ash Shaffat : 35 )
D. Terms Fourth :
Inqiyad ( subject ) against what ditunjukannya , who deny leave it attitude . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" And who is better in religion than one who willingly submit himself to God , he too 're doing good , and he followed the religion of Ibrahim is straight ? and Allah took Ibrahim to be his favorite . " ( An Nisa : 125 )
And His words also :" And those who submit themselves to Allah , is he who do good , then indeed he has adhered to a solid rope knots . and unto God is the consummation of all affairs . " ( Luqman : 22 ) is to hold on to La ilaha illallaah .
While there is no way to realize inqiyad and up to the goal except by following the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam and menyelisihi lust and all that hinders it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" But no, by your Lord , they are ( in fact ) do not believe until they make you judge in that case they can not agree , then they do not feel it in their hearts something challenge to a decision that you gave , and they were received with the utmost . " ( An Nisa : 65 )
Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said in his commentary on this verse :( Allah ta'ala swears by Himself He be Exalted The Scriptures that someone will not believe until he makes the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam as a judge ( breaker ) in all affairs , so that what it decides is a truth that must be subject to him both spiritual and birth , therefore Allah says :" Then they do not feel it in their hearts something challenge to a decision that you gave , and they were received with the utmost " is when they make you a judge then they obey you in their inner as well , so they do not feel in their hearts is something you object to a decision provide, and they are subject to him in the inner dhahir and so they accept it wholeheartedly without rejection and opposition , as in the hadith :" By the One That my soul is in His Hand , not one of you believes until his desires to follow what I got . " [ Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2/306 , and this hadith dihasankan by didlaifkan by An Nawawi and Ibn Rajab and others , but there is no doubt about the meaning keshahihan ]
E. Terms Fifth :
Ash Shidqu ( honesty ) that deny the lie : That he says it with honesty from the heart , his heart is in tune with his tongue , because real people would pronounce it munafiqin but not with honesty , in which Allaah says about them :" And of mankind there is a saying : " We believe in Allah and the Last Day , " in case they were in fact not the people who believe . " ( Al -Baqarah : 8 )
Of Mu'adh Ibn Jabal from the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " No one testified that there is no god ( which is entitled diibadati ) but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger of Allah be honest from the heart but God forbid hell against him . " [ Al- Bukhari in Kitab ul Ilmi 128 ]
Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said :" Justification for La ilaha illa Allah is demanding submission and recognition to their rights , ie shariah Islamic law which is the details of this sentence , by way of justifying all of his stories , his commands to realize and avoid the prohibitions His .... People who justify the truth is the people who bring it all , while it is known that the blood and treasure waking totally not realized unless with her and fulfill their rights . And so is the safety of adzab totally not realized unless with him and with his right . " [ At Tibyan Fi Aqsamil Qur'an page 43 ]
F. Sixth Term :
Ikhlash , namely mentauhidkan God in goals ( al qashdu ) , and alignment of action with the intention of all the blemishes of shirk . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" Remember , only religion Allah belongs the net ( of shirk ) . " ( Az Zumar : 3 )
And his word Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also :" Though they are not made except to worship Allah with obedience to Him purifies the ( run ) straight religion , " ( Al- Bayyinah : 5 )
Al Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : "Man is most happy getting syafa'atku are people who say La ilaha illallaah while sincere ( pure ) from the heart . " [ Al- Bukhari in Kitab ul Ilmi 99 ]
G. Terms Seventh :
Mahabbah ( love ) , this phrase and what it requires and what is shown to him by it , and love adherents who practice it again with the terms commitment , as well as what you hate to cancel it . Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says :" And of mankind there are those who worship other than Allah counter - counterculture , and they love as they love Allah . As for those who believe very, very love of God . " ( Al -Baqarah : 165 )
And in the hadith of Anas Ash Shahihain of that Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said : " The three things that whoever is on him , then he would get the sweetness of faith ; Allah and His Messenger more than he loved from them , he loves someone while not but because God loved him , and he does not like to return to disbelief after Allah has saved him from it as he did not like the cast into hell . " [ Al- Bukhari , Al Iman 16 and Muslim , Al Iman 43 ]
Al Hakami said : )" And the sign of love for the servant to his Lord is put forward what he loved him despite his desires menyelisihi , hating what he hates his Lord despite his own desires tend to him , loyal to those who are loyal to Allah and His Messenger and hostile people hostile to Him , follow His Messenger , to emulate his footsteps and receive admonitions. " [ Ma'arijul qabul 1/383 , please refer to Al Wala Wal Bara terms of 28 to 38 and Ma'arijul qabul 1/377 to 383 ]
by : Shaykh Muhammad Salim Walad Muhammad Al Amin Al Majlisiy hafidzahullah
Interpreting : Ustadz Aman Abdurrahman Abu Sulaiman Hafizhahullah

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